You’re likely aware of the interconnectedness of your body.

That’s why an issue in one area can often lead to problems in another.

Additionally, physical health concerns can have a profound impact on your mental well-being.

At our comprehensive family dentistry practice in Troy, MI, we prioritize comprehensive care that extends beyond just your teeth and gums. We recognize the intricate connections between dental health and overall wellness.

Moreover, as a family-oriented practice, we welcome patients of all ages, including children, parents, and extended family members.

Let’s explore how a comprehensive approach to wellness in dentistry functions and how it could positively affect you and your family.

Comprehensive dentistry: Addressing the entirety of well-being

Dental staff member helping a smiling patient out of the office

While conventional dentistry typically focuses on dental issues, our approach is more encompassing. During each visit, we consider how your oral health influences your overall well-being.

For instance, consider gum disease. This condition’s bacteria can spread to the heart, causing inflammation, and even leading to pneumonia if inhaled.

Therefore, keeping a good level of oral health and promptly treating infections is essential to preventing these systemic effects.

Similarly, your oral health directly impacts your mental state. Issues like poor oral health or cosmetic concerns can affect self-esteem and mental well-being. Our cosmetic dentistry services aim to address such concerns, promoting confidence and mental health.

Moreover, certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can heighten the risk of gum disease, underscoring the importance of integrated care.

Our Approach

While we focus on dental health like any other dental practice, our comprehensive approach sets us apart. We undergo extensive training to obtain our dental licenses, but our emphasis lies in tailoring care to your specific needs.

We consider how your oral health fits into your overall health and well-being, ensuring personalized treatment plans that align with your goals.

Treatment Options

At our practice, you’ll find a range of treatments similar to those offered by traditional dentists, including routine cleanings, fillings, crowns, and veneers. However, we prioritize natural treatments, particularly for pain relief, and provide amenities like noise-canceling headphones and cozy blankets to enhance your comfort during procedures.

Promoting Healthy Habits

In addition to standard oral hygiene recommendations, we offer guidance on diet and exercise, recognizing their impact on oral and overall health. This might involve reducing processed sugars and prioritizing fruits, as well as emphasizing the importance of sufficient sleep for immune function.

Comprehensive Wellness Approach

Beyond oral care, we can offer lifestyle advice to enhance your overall well-being, such as optimizing sleep quality to support immune function.

A Unique Approach to Oral Health

While traditional dentistry meets the needs of many, our comprehensive family dental care may appeal to those seeking a more inclusive approach to dental care. Whether you desire a family-friendly environment or a focus on overall well-being, KB Dental is here to meet your needs.

Discover the benefits of comprehensive dental care by contacting us today.


Come join the rest of our Troy, MI, patients today and see what all the fuss is about! We serve Troy and nearby regions, including Keego Harbor, Fraser, Highland Park, Farmington Hills, Roseville, Pleasant Ridge, Sterling Heights, and Oak Park.
